Oleg Bartunov
CEO at Postgres Professional
Oleg Bartunov, a major PostgreSQL developer, has been involved in PostgreSQL development since 1996 ( he introduced locale support). He is one of the author of the PostgreSQL extendability infrastructure (GiST, GIN, SP-GiST) and several popular non-atomic data types, such as, arrays, full text search, NoSQL (hstore and jsonb). His latest contribution is a new access method RUM, which greatly improves full text search.
Oleg graduated from the Astronomy department of the Physics department at Lomonosov's Moscow State University. During his professional work at Sternberg Astronomical Institute (SAI MSU) he realized he needed a free and powerful open-source database like PostgreSQL (Postgres95 that time). Since then he extensively used PostgreSQL in his scientific work and many other projects. Oleg is an active member of Russian PostgreSQL community, he advocated the adoption of PostgreSQL by astronomical community. One of his scientific projects make use of scalable indexing of multi-terabytes sky catalogues developed for PostgreSQL, which outperforms known techniques used in commercial databases.
His main interests are Informaton Retrieval, Databases Extensibility, Algorithms and Data Structures, Service-Oriented Architecture for Science and XLDB for Science. In spare time he like to play volleyball, running and trekking in Himalaya.
Oleg Bartunov has presented the following presentations
Dialogue program
presented by Joshua Drake, Oleg Bartunov, Xiao Jun Zheng, Grant Zhou, and Michael Meskes
Traditional Dialogue Program
Thu 4 2019 Maina query language for json
presented by Oleg Bartunov
PostgreSQL is the first relational database which recognized the need of non-atomic data types to support developers of applications from science to Web. Jsonb in Postgres is the attractive feature for modern application developers, who want to work with json documents without sacrificing a strong consistency and ability to use all the power of proven relational technology.
Finally, SQL worl...
more Fri 5 2019 English Speaker Trackpresented by Oleg Bartunov
Jsonb in Postgres is one of the attractive feature for modern application developers, which allows efficient work with json documents without sacrificing strong consistency and ability to use all the power of proven relational technology. The rich Jsonb infrastructure in Postgres, which includes a lot of functions, operator, indexes and other details, might be difficult to users, that is why we...
more Internals