
Pavlo is a PostgreSQL expert and developer at Cybertec. He is working with PostgreSQL for 18 years. He is the co-founder of the PostgreSQL Ukraine community and the leader of the PostgreSQL Ukrainian translation team.

Pavlo Golub has presented the following presentations

    Pavlo Golub Customizing the Wordle Game Experience with PostgreSQL at Seattle 2024

    presented by Pavlo Golub


    Discover the endless possibilities of PostgreSQL as a gaming platform by harnessing its ability to customize the Wordle game. Explore how PostgreSQL empowers developers to redefine the game experience through three core entities:

    • The available word set. Do we want to allow all words or only popular and well-known ones? Do we want to limit a set to some topic, e.g., IT-slang terms, or geogr...

    Thu 7 2024 Essentials
    Pavlo Golub Professional PostgreSQL monitoring made easy at Seattle 2024

    presented by Pavlo Golub


    The talk firstly introduces all pertinent levels of database monitoring and then focuses on PostgreSQL and the means it provides. The meaning and importance of key metrics will be explained. As the Postgres community has already developed a lot of tools in that area, some popular common options will be highlighted together with the problems that different monitoring approaches have. To overcome...


    Wed 6 2024 Essentials
    Pavlo Golub When it all GOes right at South Africa 2021
    How to write cross-platform application for PostgreSQL

    presented by Pavlo Golub

    This talk covers how to use PostgreSQL together with the Golang (Go) programming language. I will describe what drivers and tools are available and which to use nowadays.

    In this talk I will cover what design choices of Go can help you to build robust programs. But also, we will reveal some parts of the language and drivers that can cause obstacles and what routines to apply to avoid risk...


    Tue 5 2021 Development
    Pavlo Golub When it all GOes right at Silicon Valley 2022
    How to write cross-platform application for PostgreSQL

    presented by Pavlo Golub

    This talk covers how to use PostgreSQL together with the Golang (Go) programming language. I will describe what drivers and tools are available and which to use nowadays.

    In this talk I will cover what design choices of Go can help you to build robust programs. But also, we will reveal some parts of the language and drivers that can cause obstacles and what routines to apply to avoid risk...


    Thu 7 2022 Dev
    Pavlo Golub Professional PostgreSQL scheduling made easy at Silicon Valley 2022
    How to run cron jobs on steroids

    presented by Pavlo Golub

    The talk firstly introduces all appropriate levels of database scheduling and then focuses on PostgreSQL and the means it provides. The talk explains the meaning and importance of key approaches. Postgres community has already developed several tools in that area. Some popular common options (pg_cron, pgAgent, etc.) will be highlighted together with the problems that different scheduling approa...


    Thu 7 2022 Ops
    Pavlo Golub Professional PostgreSQL monitoring made easy at Silicon Valley 2019

    presented by Pavlo Golub

    The talk firstly introduces all pertinent levels of database monitoring and then focuses on PostgreSQL and the means it provides. The meaning and importance of key metrics will be explained. As the Postgres community has already developed a lot of tools in that area, some popular common options will be highlighted together with the problems that different monitoring approaches have. To overcome...


    Fri 20 2019 Ops and Administration