As part of the countdown to PostgresConf US 2018, learn more about the engaging content and our speakers for this year in our Speaker Spotlight Series.
Tim Gorman is a technical consultant for Delphix who enable data virtualization and data masking to increase the agility of IT development and testing securely. Tim is co-author of six books about Oracle data warehousing and performance optimization, and has performed technical review for eight other published books.
Tim will be presenting a breakout session on Wednesday, April 18 on "Reducing The Surface Area Of Risk In Data Security." Read what he has to say about Postgres and why to attend his session:
Why PostgreSQL? What got you into it, and made you stick with it?
30+ years in IT and databases, and PostgreSQL is the obvious heir apparent as every organization's default choice of data store.
Tell us about your involvement with the greater Postgres community.
Just becoming involved. I have been heavily involved in the Oracle user community for almost 25 years, and I have been getting involved in the Microsoft user community for the past 3 years.
What features should be developed/improved and released in the next major upgrade?
Why should attendees come to your talk at PostgresConf US 2018? What would you like for them to take away from your session?
Creating environments for software development on PostgreSQL must include data masking to prevent confidential data from "bleeding" over from production to non-production environments.
What sessions are you most excited about attending at PostgresConf US 2018?
Mastering PostgreSQL Administration
What is your favorite aspect of PostgresConf US?
Networking with my new technical community
What advice would you have for a Computer Science graduate or entry level developer who are interested in learning and engaging with Postgres?
What is learned when optimizing PostgreSQL is also applicable to other databases
Bonus Question: You can invite any three living people from anywhere in the world to dinner. Who do you invite and why?
Vladimir Putin, Michelle Obama, and Justin Trudeau. Differing people with different accomplishments on the current world stage, and I would be fascinated to listen to how they react to one another (and to me) once the barriers and inhibitions are dropped.
Check out the full schedule for PostgresConf US 2018, and buy your tickets soon!